DIMMU BORGIR Frontman Launches 'The Wrath Of Shag'

January 22, 2010

Norwegian musician Stian Tomt Thoresen (a.k.a. Shagrath; DIMMU BORGIR, CHROME DIVISION, OV HELL) has launched his first official web site, The Wrath Of Shag.

Comments Shagrath: "Due to all the fraudulent Shagrath sites out there, people without their own identity, it has left me no choice but to unveil the true, Wrath Of Shag.

"So, to all my loyal fans and curious people out there, I have opened the gates to the Wrath Empire. I will give you the current information about my musical activities. A lot of things are brewing in our underworld these days.

"We will release new DIMMU BORGIR, CHROME DIVISION and OV HELL albums this year and in general we have a lot on the calendar, this is the real insight, the sneak peek behind the curtains of night.

"I promise to keep you guys posted and give you nothing but the Wrath of Truth."

DIMMU BORGIR issued a statement last August confirming keyboardist Mustis' (real name: Øyvind Mustaparta) and bassist/clean vocalist ICS Vortex's (real name: Simen Hestnæs) departures from the group. The statement also downplayed the impact the lineup changes will have on the sound of DIMMU BORGIR next album, insisting that "the creative force in the band is highly intact, perhaps even more so than ever."

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